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Sunset Sign

Every Monday we post a short, creative expression of something that has recently done 1 of 3 things:

humbled us

made us thankful

we can’t live without it

I was driving home from a shoot the other day and I passed this scene…

It was almost dark and what little light remained was just gorgeous off of this retro, bygone era sign.  It humbled me as I thought about the excitement the company must have felt when they picked it out, purchased it and put it up.  Years later, there it sits…a rusty, faded memory of what was.

Our best, most exciting plans will end up like this sign…rusty and faded.  Psalm 127 starts off with these powerful words, “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.”  What is it you are seeking?  Are you laboring to build the house?  There is One who is a Master Builder whose treasure never rusts or fades.  Let HIM build the house.
