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Announcing Our Newest Project Soon-erg-eh’-o!!

Every quarter, we select a faithful family or individual serving the Kingdom of God to be featured as our “soon-erg-eh’-o”.  Soon-erg-eh’-o is a Greek word used in Mark 16:20; it means “to be a fellow-worker, to work with”.  Our goal is to be “fellow workers” with these saints, both prayerfully and financially.

In addition, 10% of all money made by Iron Kite Films goes directly to these missionaries. We have been blessed to support laborers for the Gospel in the Philippines, India, the Middle East, and multiple cities here in America.

“Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them (soon-erg-eh’-o) and confirmed His word by the signs that accompanied it.”

Mark 16:20



Tyler & Anna Chapman

Serving God on the streets of Louisiana


We are so excited to introduce you to Tyler and Anna Chapman!

I met Tyler about 2 years ago. He is one of the most humble men I know. A lover of Jesus and a faithful man of prayer. I tell folks that he reminds me of a modern day Rees Howells (side note: go buy this biography of Rees Howells RIGHT NOW!). It’s been said that you don’t really know a man until you pray with him. I can say that I know Tyler Chapman, and he is a man after God’s heart.

I had the chance to meet Anna at the beginning of 2015. She also is a laid-down lover of Jesus, easily given to tears when she speaks of His goodness. I saw in Anna one of the most pure souls I have ever met.


To me, Anna & Tyler are the embodiment of a life lived in full surrender to Jesus…burning to see His Kingdom come to their community.

Together, Tyler and Anna minister on the streets of Hammond, Louisiana to the lowest of their community…the ones who most people don’t want to bend down to help. They live a life of faith, trusting that God will provide for their needs. And He does! As they walk the streets of Hammond, praying for the prostitutes and the drug dealers, sharing the Gospel with the destitute…they receive gifts and donations from unlikely sources; car dealerships, mechanics, coffee shop baristas. And now as our Soon-erg-eh’-o, a film company in North Carolina!


Feel free to contact us if you would like any more information on the Chapman family, or how you can help them continue to be salt and light on the streets of Hammond, Louisiana. We are doing our part by contributing 10% of all money that comes in during the first half of 2015 to this precious family.

Enjoy this short film on the Chapman family: